l'isle joyeuse

Posts Tagged ‘captain

backlog :2010.06.19

on saturday, i went to the narita express platform to pick captain up ♥ it was like a scene out from a really cheesy love drama hahah – we were running to greet each other and went all colkfneoicqhnovihn *insert spazz here*

she got me a present ♥

it comes in a pretty box!

and a nice little bag!

so pretty *O* it’s the cutest bracelet ever ;w; there’s a musical note for nino and a fish for ohchan!

after that, we went to harajuku because apparantly the softbank there is more efficient and foreigner-friendly. we got it done in less than 20 minutes omg :O

we saw the funniest vending machine EVER in one of the idol shops 😀 a vending machine that sells arashi photos!!!

we had epic purikura with our kaibutsu-kun caps and pikanchi shirts >w<

i’m sure we look crazy

after that, we went to shibuya‘s tower records to look at the kaibutsu-kun costume they have on display there >w< he's SO TINY!!!

so, so tiny hahah!

dinner time!!! all-you-can-eat sukiyaki at 1980円 per person ^^

fresh australian beef… how ironic!

pork from chiba prefecture

in to the pot it goes!

😀 yes we are happy

and dorky :p

i ♥ sukiyaki

and that’s the end of an awesome day – the first of many to come 🙂


slice-of-life entries of my life in japan as an exchange student :) feel free to comment... they're my daily pieces of happiness!

to read my travel posts, please click on "voyages"

thank you for dropping by, and have a nice day ♥

i ♥ nino

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i ♥ ohchan

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